Sunday, September 19, 2010

the symbolic colours and shapes in moods.

An Graphic Design class assignment (NTU, ADM 2010) which required us to depict 4 emotions/moods in just colours and shapes. here's my interpretations.





a Restart.

(i think i will never have the time to properly scan my tokyo journal...)

because school has been so busy (it is only week 3!!) in the meantime, i am slowing building up my portfolio with these assignments to follow:

these were my responses to the word "Restart" in the first image, it is the burning of the paper to ashes and from it a tree (the start/origin of paper) grows... also the idea of 'rebirth' with references to the phoenix rising from its ashes.
The second is a more bleak portrayal of the 're-starting' of an assignment when all your old ideas are thrown out of the window (or in this case, into the wastepaper basket). notice the forming of the backward arrows (rewind symbol) in the negative spaces of the trash bin.